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आयुष्य जगताना मनुष्य आपल्या ध्येयांसाठी,स्वप्नांसाठी,आपल्या प्रियजनांच्या सुखासाठी एवढा झपाटून जातो कि तो हे सर्व गाठण्यासाठी जन्म मृत्यूच्या कालचक्रालादेखील काही काळासाठी रोखून धरतो. आपल्या ...

त्वरित वाचा
स्वप्नील चेचे

नमस्कार, मी स्वप्नील भास्कर चेचे. शिक्षणाने इंजिनीयर असलो तरी माझं मन कधीच यंत्रांमध्ये गुंतलं नाही . शिक्षण संपल्यानंतर छंद म्हणून वाचनाची आवड जोपासताना मराठी साहित्याने मला भुरळ घातली आणि बहुतेक त्यातूनच माझ्यातील लेखक जागृत झाला आहे. आता मी तुम्हा सर्वांसाठी नवनवीन कथा घेऊ येत राहील.

  • author
    तुमचे रेटिंग

  • एकूण टिप्पणी
  • author
    Madhavi Pawar
    14 नवम्बर 2018
    Story is nice but some plot seem pointless as mention below 1. How she had mobile back 30 years. As her son is now 30 years old and the story is flashback 2. No one called her from her mother place to Enquiry about her health 3. Didn't Yamunabai return 4. From where she use to bring medicne and Grocery
  • author
    Shruti Dhalgade
    06 नवम्बर 2017
    😘We Enjoy d little things...for one day you may look back, and realize they were the big things in our lyf✌... N they really matters....actually in our lyf Everyone wants happiness, 🤗no one wants pain😢, but you cant make a rainbow,🌈 without a little rain.🌧thats d lyf...n Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning.😎thats matters for us.... N its very interesting n twisting story....actually its out of d world of imagination....😍I really inspirable by these stories n Sply by uh bro as a writer uh really fabulousss.....awesm title....👉PROMICE....👈I Jst Lv this story.... 😘😍
  • author
    Sujata Shankar Kurle. Kurle.
    24 जुलाई 2020
    Very good story.👌
  • author
    तुमचे रेटिंग

  • एकूण टिप्पणी
  • author
    Madhavi Pawar
    14 नवम्बर 2018
    Story is nice but some plot seem pointless as mention below 1. How she had mobile back 30 years. As her son is now 30 years old and the story is flashback 2. No one called her from her mother place to Enquiry about her health 3. Didn't Yamunabai return 4. From where she use to bring medicne and Grocery
  • author
    Shruti Dhalgade
    06 नवम्बर 2017
    😘We Enjoy d little things...for one day you may look back, and realize they were the big things in our lyf✌... N they really matters....actually in our lyf Everyone wants happiness, 🤗no one wants pain😢, but you cant make a rainbow,🌈 without a little rain.🌧thats d lyf...n Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning.😎thats matters for us.... N its very interesting n twisting story....actually its out of d world of imagination....😍I really inspirable by these stories n Sply by uh bro as a writer uh really fabulousss.....awesm title....👉PROMICE....👈I Jst Lv this story.... 😘😍
  • author
    Sujata Shankar Kurle. Kurle.
    24 जुलाई 2020
    Very good story.👌